Woolmer Death: Was he murdered or not!

Woolmer Death: Was he murdered or not! June 14, 2007

So, the Jamaican police says that Woolmer died of natural causes.. and was not murdered:

Former Pakistan cricket coach Bob Woolmer [Images] died of natural causes, and was not murdered as initially suspected, Jamaican police said on Tuesday, bringing to an embarrassing close a three-month investigation that had gripped the cricket world.

But the main pathologist still says he was murdered:

….but Indian born pathologist Dr Ere Seshaiah, whose autopsy report formed an important part in the police launching a murder probe, stands by his medical examination.

"I am sticking to my findings. He was murdered," Seshaiah was quoted as saying by the Jamaica Observer.

"I am confident he was murdered. Woolmer is not a first for me, I have been doing autopsies here since 1995," Seshaiah said.

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