Is this the beginning of the end of power for the US?

Is this the beginning of the end of power for the US? July 10, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket6 years back I had remarked that Iraq war will go down in the history of the US as the Worst Mistake EVER! Many military personnel dead and thousands of Iraqi civilians murdered… and the world is now in a situation which is worse than where we started off from. The future in Middle East and indeed the world itself was never as dark! Here is a very telling article "The Hobbled Hegemon".

Is this the beginning of the end of US dominance? It is a question that most Americans need to ask.. but for that they need to know What created their dominance?

America is the richest country and the most sophisticated high-tech military power in the world, and is spending more on defence in real terms than at any time since the end of the second world war. Yet it is being exhausted by insurgents armed with AK-47 assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and improvised bombs. With strong pressure on President George Bush to withdraw from Iraq, jihadist militants scent a victory as momentous as the eviction of Soviet forces from Afghanistan in 1989—a defeat that helped to dissolve the Soviet empire.

True, America has recovered from previous disasters, not least the Vietnam war. But its military troubles come at a time when the global strategic balance appears to be tilting away from America. Iran is filling the vacuum created in Iraq, and is accelerating its nuclear programme. China’s military punch is growing along with its booming economy. Russia is more belligerent. The transatlantic relationship is loveless. Across the world, anti-Americanism has increased to the point where the United States is often regarded as a threat to world peace rather than its guarantor.

Strategists wonder whether the Iraq war has damaged America so badly as to set it on a path to “imperial decline”. Is the post-Soviet “unipolar” world, established after America’s first war against Saddam Hussein in 1991, coming prematurely to an end as a result of the second war to topple him? For Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, a leading think-tank, “the American era in the Middle East is over”—and because of the importance of the Middle East, American global power has also been weakened, for years if not for decades.

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