Tough School for tough kids

Tough School for tough kids November 7, 2008

Chinese-School1.jpgThis is a picture of students walking all the way to their school in China in Gulu village, Sichuan province. It lies halfway up a mountain and climbing up from the base takes five hours.

At the narrowest point the path is 1 ft and 4 in and there is a very acute and sheer drop on one side.. Needless to say that the zig-zagging path to the school makes the kids dizzy and sick at times!

The dedication of the students is worth seeing because all they are taught at the end of that 5 hour one side journey is Chinese and Math!

In the last 26 years only 2 students have reached the University. The school has one guy Shen Qijun, 45 years, who teaches and stays basically because of the pleas of the villagers. School is not very well endowed but is fairly impressive for the place it is at and has five concrete buildings and a playground with a basketball hoop made of two wooden poles and a broken blackboard.

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