Did a UFO attend Obama's Inauguration?

Did a UFO attend Obama's Inauguration? January 27, 2009

In Hindu mythology, often the annointing of a new king – if he was benevolent and good – was joined in by the people of “other worlds”. Now, that was mostly, logicallly speaking, a figure of speech with perhaps wide poetic license.

But it seems that in the case of Barack Obama, creatures from outer space may have visited the innauguration – as a black disc like thing flew past the Washington monument! Look at the video below.. it does seem strange. It surely could not have been an aircraft – for the security was as tight as it could be on any event ever!. But it could have been a bird. But that fast?

So, my guess is that either its a hoax, or a camera trick or a real UFO (if that is how those green men still travel – man they seriously need an upgrade.. we are catching up on their technology pretty fast! Just think – we earthlings have moved from those propeller planes to some kick-ass air machines.. and these green men still move around in those little round discs!)

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