Another fine Republican moment

Another fine Republican moment January 31, 2010

(written by PRC)

Yet a little more “insight” as to why I stopped “supporting” the Republican Party years ago. It’s a long list…but this mentality says much about GOP standards in general. For the past 6 months I’ve been one of those “stray dogs” , an American dependent on public assistance.I’m not proud of it, nor am I particularly happy about it… and I don’t hope to “be a stray, begging for food” for too long, but that’s how it is for now. Not looking for pity, this ‘venting’ isn’t about me. I’m just saying, that’s how it is…for millions of people.

Oh, so he wasn’t exactly referring to “me”…or people “like me”? Was he referring to Wall Street? The mega-banks? Or maybe himself – he is a public servant afterall. Ohhhh, I get it, he was talking about po’ folk sittin’ round watchin’ Jerry Springer! There are leeches out there, loads and loads of them. Lazy people, free-loaders, con artists…There are also millions of people with mental illness, people who were dealt a shitty hand – over and over. Good people down on their luck who just can’t get a break, the list goes on.

Bottomline, this kind of attitude, expressed by a public servant, offers nothing constructive at all towards improving this country or the quality of life for any “stray dogs”, especially not when it’s conveyed by someone running for governor of a U.S.state in the 21st century, tasked with serving the people. Meanwhile, the so-called ‘best of the best’ on Wall Street gambled away (and snorted, and partied, and parked offshore, and wasted, etc) literally 100s of millions of dollars in regular folks’ savings & retirement funds, as well as the capital investments of 100s of thousands of businesses and companies through this ersatz capitalism they created over the past 20 years. And most of them got a slap on the wrist, and bonuses to boot.

Oh btw, if you hear of any good jobs, this ‘stray dog’ does have resume! ;- )

Reference Links:

1. GOP Candidate: People On Public Assistance Are Like ‘Stray Animals’

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