October 23, 2009

Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan will again share the screen together. The small screen. Read more

October 23, 2009

David Rohde was in captivity unless he ran away from Taleban. His account in NYT is very interesting. While it shows the human side of some of his captors... Read more

October 14, 2009

Utpal Dutt, the actor who played comedian in one of most memorable role in Hindi Cinema in Golmaal, was arrested on December 27, 1965 by the Government of West Bengal under the Preventive Detention Ac Read more

October 13, 2009

That's interesting.. Read more

October 11, 2009

The development of the racialist theory of the superiority of the Aryan "master" race is often attributed to Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, a French aristocrat and novelist and "Father of modern Read more

October 11, 2009

The Pakistani network in the Afghanistan area has stuck again at the Indian embassy. It is obvious that Indians are present in Afghanistan and for a reason. Read more

October 8, 2009

Pakistan's army is angry over the terms of the US Aid PAckage, which they term as "interference in Pakistan's Business". What has irked them so much? Read more

October 4, 2009

Since the Harvard-CCMB study came out about the Indian genetic make up and the realization t Read more

October 2, 2009

Asceticism has long been the sine qua non of spiritual exploration. In Hindu Tradition, it was long figured out that the basic, foundational and primordial existence was consciousness. Read more

October 2, 2009

Conflict is when I am, therefore you Have to Be. Peace is when I is You. Read more

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