November 20, 2013

One day I happened to meet a rather self righteous-posing as a do-gooder missionary.  He had a script firmly implanted in his mind and went through the usual narrative of how I was a sinner – rather we all are – and then how Jesus could be my savior.  His small talk and then this rather despondent news of me being a sinner, without him knowing anything about me, left me really irritated.  So I took him head on. “So, who... Read more

November 10, 2013

Noted. In all the years that my father signed my report card, he would simply put this one word down and sign.  No matter how lengthy the report from the teachers.  Sometimes complimentary, and sometimes pointing my weaknesses. In all the years of dealing with a world full of friendship, betrayal, love, undermining, he had probably realized that most of what is said has little meaning.  Worse, his silence and expression that was pithy at best, suggested his contempt for... Read more

November 1, 2013

Existence lies both, in the Gross and the Subtly profound.  In Matter and the Quantum. When Vibration happens in the subtle, matter and life as we know it happens.  Science points to both the realms.  Most of us cannot experience it as a human experience.  Because… and just because we have lived in the ignorance of any other realm of existence – at least consciously – other than the Gross, the subtle.. the profound never confronts us.  When one moves... Read more

October 16, 2013

Flexible and just systems and societies always have two types of social contract – Laws (that you have to abide by as per the letter) and Traditional Guidelines (that aren’t set in letter but abided by in spirit).  Democracy is a system that needs both.  But more than the rigid written laws, it needs all the governing arms to understand and carry on the tradition of the spirit of the foundational social contract. Many a times, a democratic country gets... Read more

October 13, 2013

When Ram had defeated Ravan, the Demon king; Ram walked over and bowed to him as a person of immense knowledge.  Albeit gone awry. If we are looking for Good vs Evil characterization of a fight, then it makes no sense for the “Good” to bow down to the “Evil”.  But in popular parlance, that is how Vijay Dashami or Dusshera is characterized.  We are told its a fight between “Good” vs “Evil”.. and the moral of the story is that... Read more

October 5, 2013

Femininity and Masculinity are taken as two qualities of the existence in Hinduism and in most Eastern traditions.  Eastern mystics called it Yin and Yang.  In Hinduism, this is posited as Purush and Prakriti – and the highest of all beings – Shiva – is said to be an Ardhanareshwar.  Half man and half woman.   But he is called so not because ONLY he was a combination of Feminine and Masculine; but because in him the two qualities were... Read more

October 2, 2013

There is a beautiful story form Buddha’s life, which discusses the crux of being meditative.  Osho has explained it very well in this piece.  Worth reading. One day Buddha is passing by a forest. It is a hot summer day and he is feeling very thirsty. He says to Ananda, his chief disciple, “Ananda, you go back. Just three, four miles back we passed a small stream of water. You bring a little water — take my begging bowl. I... Read more

October 1, 2013

Either it is the sign of our times, where success is almost akin to mental sickness, or our generation has a rather unfair share of mentally sick individuals.  Because some of the findings on the world of business seem rather strange. A news research study by Australian School of Business at the University of NSW suggests that psychopathic tendencies can also make for good entrepreneurs.  The behavior of psychopaths and entrepreneurs is not very different.  Their modus operandi seems seems very... Read more

October 1, 2013

You sometimes come across a personal account that is painful, poignant, humane, as well as full of power.  This answer from Quora on the question “What was the most transformational moment of your life?” by a lady who lives in UK named Sarah Ouellette.  ==========  =========  ========== When I was 8-10 I was raped repeatedly by my neighbor. I also grew up with my father making appearances in and out of my life periodically and so I had a lot... Read more

September 28, 2013

Recently – on Sept 20th – Reserve Bank of India (India’s Central Bank) raised the interest rates to combat rampant inflation in India.  That came up during the discussion on Currencies on CNBC’s Squawk Box.  Co-hosts Joe Kernen, Becky Quick, and Andrew Ross Sorkin started discussing, where Becky even said she had some Rupees in her purse from her last visit to India.  And, then Joe Kernen gets on with his mimicry act on Indians and jokes about the 7 Eleven’s. Becky... Read more

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