October 7, 2005

An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. Read more

October 7, 2005

URL Link: http://news.com.com/2061-10792_3-5889539.html Highlights: Google isn't the only one jumping on the Sun software bandwagon, it seems. Late last week, China's Lenovo Group said it will bundle Sun's StarOffice 8 software in Lenovo's latest ThinkPad R51e notebook. The offer is only good in Singapore, however, according to representatives with both companies. StarOffice 8, which is based on the open source OpenOffice.org, comprises five parts: StarOffice Writer, Impress, Calc, Base and Draw. It also can convert Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. The software is the first one of its kind to use the OASIS-backed OpenDocument format, the same file format that has recently been endorsed by the state of Massachusetts and the European Union. Source: News.com Read more

October 7, 2005

URL Link: http://news.com.com/FAQ+The+Sun-Google+partnership/2100-1012_3-5888783.html Highlights: Tuesday's (October 4) alliance between Google and Sun Microsystems is a significant development for both companies and for the computing industry. But there's a big difference in scope between the grand "multiyear, strategic agreement" the companies heralded at a press conference Tuesday and the much narrower particulars they actually announced. To make matters more confusing, some of the technology involved is complex, and executives hinted at other elements of cooperation beyond what was in the press release. What specific move did Sun and Google announce Tuesday? Within 30 days, Sun will begin distributing the Google Toolbar with its Java software when people download the latter from Sun's Web site. Sun will get "direct monetary value" from the distribution deal, said John Loiacono, Sun's executive vice president for software. Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that what separates the Toolbar distribution deal from others the company has is the "vastness" of it. Sun CEO Scott McNealy said the Java software is downloaded 20 million times per month. Source: News.com Read more

October 7, 2005

AOL has bought Weblogs! This is an interesting development in the world of blogging.. this means a drive for consolidation of the blog world and specially the search and content. -- "Weblogs will become a wholly-owned, stand-alone subsidiary of AOL. It will operate with full editorial control and independence." -- Weblogs Inc. has 30 million-plus page views and 25 million monthly RSS views (a metric that should be included more often). -- "Links to Weblogs' 85 unique blogs will be seamlessly embedded and integrated across the AOL service, such as the Personal Finance Channel, the Autos Channel, the Travel Channel, the Games Channel, the Television Channel, and at AOL News - among others. Weblogs content will also be integrated within AOL, Inc.'s network of properties, such as Moviefone, AOL Music and Netscape. On AOL.com, visitors will be able to connect to Weblogs via the 'LiveWeb' and 'People Connection' links on the homepage." Read more

October 7, 2005

Saw the news item "Sania on Time cover"? I think that media is on an overkill for this lady! She is too young and needs to focus on her game more. She has done well and is very ambitious - which is good - but she is needs to get to the top! In a country where sports achievements are few and far between, even a No. 50 ranking in the world is a great news... we need at least 5-10 folks in top 50.. and few in top 10!! Hope maturity keeps close to Sania! Read more

October 7, 2005

News Source: Rediff.com News Highlight: In another ace for teenage tennis icon Sania Mirza, she became the first Indian sportswoman to feature on the cover of Time magazine and is being included in its 2005 list of Asia's heroes. In the list of heroes, Sania shares the space with Chinese actress Zhang Jingchu, South Korean footballer Park Ji Sung and Japan's Ken Watanbe. The tennis star, who has been described by the magazine as a role model for women in the country and the fastest rising star in the sport this year, features on the cover of the special issue of the magazine which will hit the stands on Monday. Though the list is led by people who saved lives and rebuild families and communities after last year's devastating tsunami, it also includes inspirational figures in the field of arts and sports. URL of the news item: http://in.rediff.com/sports/2005/oct/02sania.htm Read more

October 6, 2005

News Source: Houston Chronicle News Highlight: URL of the news item: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/topstory/3384384 Read more

October 6, 2005

Here is an Article from Asian Times - which details how Foreign Governments can now use the inherent animosity and the absolute lack of respect for National Interest that the Left parties have in India! Anyone can use them with inane arguments as long as enough cliches of Capitalism and Western world are thrown in!! ========================================== Having failed to impress New Delhi over the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) vote, Tehran is looking at the next best option - working on India's left parties, on whose support the Congress Party-led Manmohan Singh government survives. Read more

October 6, 2005

Over the next five years the Indian BPO and KPO industry would see over 100 mergers and acquisitions and IPOs, Trade body Assocham today said. The total deal could well be between $3-5 billion, it said in a paper jointly brought out by Assocham and Evalueserve. According to the paper, out of the projected $3-5 billion value of transactions, large players will garner about 80 percent while the rest will go to the smaller companies covering about 400 companies. It also said most of the 20 mega deals, involving M&As and IPOs, would be undertaken only by a group of 10 large companies. The paper also said that large companies would hive off their captive units while third party BPO companies will acquire smaller BPOs. Assocham said that small and medium-sized BPO vendors would witness considerable acquisition and funding activity in the short term, whereas larger vendors will look for opportunities to diversify. Read more

October 6, 2005

It also shows the path of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina.... Read more

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