September 16, 2005

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September 16, 2005

This one speech has been most circulated in recent times! I am reproducing it for future reference This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. Read more

September 16, 2005

News Source: BBC News News Highlight: Japanese scientists have unveiled the most human-looking robot yet - a "female" android named Repliee Q1Expo. She has flexible silicone for skin rather than hard plastic, and a number of sensors and motors to allow her to turn and react in a human-like manner. She can flutter her eyelids and move her hands like a human. She even appears to breathe. Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University says one day robots could fool us into believing they are human. URL of the news item: Read more

September 16, 2005

1. First, a quote: In case you're worried about what's going to become of the younger generation, it's going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation. - Roger Allen 2. Two of the biggest US airlines have declared bankruptcy! Delta and Northwest. First the 9-11 and then the increase in the fuel proces and finally the Katrina. 3. As if it was required.. PwC has confirmed that India is the most popular for off-shoring. And the real game has not even started.. law, finance, medical, etc.! Read more

September 15, 2005

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September 4, 2005

News Source: Times of India News Highlight:    Caught between Sania Mirza’s rising fame and her attire, Islamic clerics in the city felt compelled to comment on both. Urdu papers covering Mirza’s third round triumph in the US Open carried modest legless shots of the 18-year-old, in a mixed sentiment that reflects the mood of the conservatives. "We are all proud of Sania’s achievements and want her to do well," said Aslam Razi, advisory member of Jamaat-e-Islaami. "At the same time we can’t understand why she should be wearing the kind of dress she wears on court." URL of the news item: Read more

September 2, 2005

News Source: Times of India News Highlight: High-end legal services are likely to lead the next wave of offshoring with about 35,000 lawyers’ jobs likely to move from the US to countries like India by 2010. In its latest study, prepared in July, Nasscom says MNCs, international law firms, publishing companies and legal research firms are now increasingly sourcing specialised legal services from India. This is a substantial shift from the existing outsourcing assignments, such as credit cards and online technical suport. Forrester Inc has found that at least 12,000 legal jobs have been outsourced from the US to offshore locations till 2004. Further, the firm has projected that of the 35,000 US lawyer jobs expected to be shipped out, 60 to 70% could be headed India’s way. By 2015, the total number of outsourced jobs from the US could touch 79,000. URL of the news item: Read more

September 1, 2005

News Source: MarketWatch News Highlight: Personal incomes increased 0.3% in July, while spending soared ahead by 1%. As a result, the personal savings rate tumbled to negative 0.6%, the lowest since monthly records began in 1959.Quarterly data show negative savings rates for several quarters during the Great Depression. The savings rate was negative 0.2% in October 2001 and was 0% in June.Negative savings rates are possible if consumers spend by selling assets, dipping into savings or borrowing against future income. Economists were expecting incomes to rise 0.5% in July, with spending expected to rise 1%, according to a MarketWatch survey. URL of the news item: Read more

August 31, 2005

URL Link: Highlights: The NSF’s Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) has christened its new initiative GENI—short for Global Environment for Networking Investigations. And like the uncorked magician whose name it shares, the transformation could be eye-opening. The group intends to look at all sides of the network. In their words, “The GENI Research Program will build on many years of knowledge and experience, encouraging researchers and designers to: reexamine all networking assumptions; reinvent where needed; design for intended capabilities; deploy and validate architectures; build new services and applications; encourage users to participate in experimentation; and take a system-wide approach to the synthesis of new architectures.” So what will the transformed Internet look like? Will it still break information apart into separate packets, shoot them around the world (many of the pieces taking different routes), and reassemble them on your computer at the end point of the transmission? Will e-mail still be the plague route of choice for viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and evil bots? And what about multimedia—when will that happen in a big way? Early predictions by CISE (listed as goals in its announcement) include security that’s built into the architecture. The original Internet was created by a community of scientists who shared information without regard to security. Security was an add-on after the Arpanet grew into the Internet, and, as we all know, there have been problems. A network with security integrated into its architecture would be an improvement. The CISE document also looks to a time when a new design will “enable the vision of pervasive computing and bridge the gap between the physical and virtual worlds by including mobile, wireless, and sensor networks.” Not quite the Matrix, but a step in the direction. Source: IMANET Read more

August 30, 2005

News Source: NewInd Press News Highlight: Wipro Chairman Azim Premji on Tuesday said India needs to focus on five priority areas to achieve “social transformation”, a situation that ensures individual well-being, plugs resource wastage and helps develop the economy. Delivering the JRD Tata Memorial Lecture on invitation by industry body Assocham, Premji mooted a five-fold path that emphasises primary education and heathcare, and overhauls laws related to land, power and water resources. Premji also stressed that India's software industry is at a global advantage mainly because of the “salary arbitrage,” an advantage that cannot last forever. URL of the news item: Read more

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