Mabon Song

Mabon Song September 17, 2015


O Mother blessings manifold

On this day given birth

Protector kept the harvest safe

As it grew up from the Earth

Mabon brings the sacred boon

The gifts from Gods above us

Though not from garden sweat and toil

But simply because they love us

The nuts and fruits without us grow

And add to what we store

To keep us safe from hunger’s grip

The Goddess gives us more.

In life the blessings come to us

The miracles unfold

As the Lady weaves Her tapestry

And bestows Her silver and gold.

For the hard earned harvest bounty

We worked and toiled and labored

But now the boon comes to our lives

A time to be loved and savored.

Our thanks for all that comes our way

The boon from Moon and Sun

We open to its majesty

‘Til Harvest’s time is done.


Katrina Rasbold writes books that are available at and runs a magical shop full of cool, needful things in Roseville, CA (also with online sales) called Botánica de La Reina.

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