Bruce McCormack’s Kantzer Lectures Now On-Line

Bruce McCormack’s Kantzer Lectures Now On-Line January 5, 2011

Bruce McCormack’s Kantzer Lectures delivered at TEDS earlier this year are now available on-line.

1. Is the Reformation Over? Reflections on the Place of the Doctrine of God in Evangelical Theology Today

2. From the One God to the Trinity: The Creation of the Orthodox Understanding of God

3. The Great Reversal: From the Economy of God to the Trinity in Modern Theology

4. The God Who Reveals Himself: The Mystery of the Trinity in the New Testament

5. Which Christology?  Refining the Economic Basis of the Christian Doctrine of God

6. The Processions Contain the Missions: Reconstructing the Doctrine of an Immanent Trinity

7. The Being of God as Gift and Grace: On Freedom and Necessity, Aseity and the Divine ‘Attributes’

HT: Jason Garoncy

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