Bonhoeffer on the Law and Gospel

Bonhoeffer on the Law and Gospel June 15, 2011

In the second chapter of Nachfolge (Discipleship), Bonhoeffer has some incredible things to say about the Law and the Gospel–Incredible coming from a Lutheran.

Perhaps the most thought provoking statement nugget is

The call to discipleship is a commitment solely to the person of Jesus . . . It is beyond enmity between law and gospel. Christ calls; the disciple follows. That is grace and commandment in one (59).

What a wonderfully beautiful way to express the unity of the law and grace! This then is the foundation of his well-known twin statement later in the chapter:

Nur der Glaubende ist gehorsam, und nur der Gehorsame glaubt/ Only the believer is obedient, and only the obedient believes (52)

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