A “New Perspective” on the Gospel, the King Jesus Gospel 6

A “New Perspective” on the Gospel, the King Jesus Gospel 6 September 10, 2011

In The King Jesus Gospel, Scot articulates why he thinks its dangerous to confuse the “gospel with” the “Plan of Salvation”. Here are his two reasons.

When the plan of salvation gets separated from the story:

1. The plan almost always becomes abstract, propositional, de-storified and, therefore, unbiblical.

2. The story of what God is doing in and through Israel and Jesus the Messiah gets turned into a story about me and my own personal salvation.

The plan has a way of cutting the story from the story about God and God’s Messiah and God’s people into a story about God and one person–me–and in this the story shifts from Christ and community to individualism. We need the latter without cutting off the former (62).

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

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