
Evangelicalism September 17, 2011

There’s a new book coming out on Evangelicalism that looks to be a must read, Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology). Roger Olson,  one of the contributors to the book, has said this about the book over at his blog:

This book demonstrates quite conclusively that there are now at least two evangelicalisms (in terms of theology).  They are separated by 1) whether or not biblical inerrancy is necessary for authentic evangelical faith (which even Carl Henry denied!), 2) whether a foundationalist epistemology is necessary for authentic evangelical theology (there would go Calvin!), 3) whether theology’s constructive task is ever ongoing until Christ returns (I might mention here an excellent article by Mohler’s associate dean Bruce Ware in JETS some years ago arguing for a revision of the traditional idea of God’s immutability [but apparently that kind of creative thinking isn’t allowed others]), and 4) whether doctrine or experience (conversional piety) is the sine qua non of authentic evangelical faith and life.

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