Martin Luther’s “King Jesus Gospel”

Martin Luther’s “King Jesus Gospel” October 17, 2011

I hate to be the one to tell you, but Scot McKnight’s King Jesus Gospel is a blatant rip off of the magisterial Reformer Martin Luther. Just read this:

The gospel is a story about Christ, God’s and David’s Son, who died and was raised and is established as Lord. This is the gospel in a nutshell.
(Martin Luther, “A brief instruction on what to look for and expect in the Gospels,” in Luther’s Works[ed. E. Theodore Bachmann; 55 vols.; Fortress: Philadelphia, 1960] 35.118.)

Take heed, critics of McKnight’s book should be careful that their criticisms of McKnight or Wright do not also become criticisms of Luther and Paul too!

See my earlier thoughts on this parallel here.

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