Things to Click for Easter 2012

Things to Click for Easter 2012 April 8, 2012

Sorry for the low volume on blogging, but I’ve spent a large part of this Easter in Toowoomba on Easterfest. In fact, last night I went to a Michael W. Smith concert, he can sing some gospel, I just wish his “message” had a little more depth to it (sigh …).

Any ways, here’s stuff you should consider clicking on:

Brian Rosner (Moore Theological College, principal designate Ridley College) has a good piece in The Age Newspaper on Looking beyond ourselves to remain true to one’s self. Rosner, bit of a guru on ethics, critiques the cult of self authentication by introspection. Instead he writes: “Alain de Botton’s latest book, Religion for Atheists, compliments religion for modelling the values of habituation, reflection, embodiment and community. Another important contribution of faith communities is in helping people to find a secure and satisfying personal identity. In the case of Christian faith, rather than finding or defining yourself, there is a deep sense of being known by God, which is in turn thought to be the key to knowing who we are. Looking beyond ourselves in order to be found might just be the key ingredient if we are to avoid an ocean of confusion and anxiety.”

Michael Barber gives us Acquinas on the Resurrection.

Michael Licona gives a video on Ten Myths on the Resurrection.

The Bible Society of Australia gives a catalogue of Easter greetings from the major national churches (funnily enough the most scriptural of the Easter greetings is the one given by the Coptic Orthodox Church of Australia!).

If you like Easter, then don’t forget to attend the Gospelizers conference in Brisbane on Saturday 21 April.

Here’s a link to a video of a peculiar ritual that my family performs every Easter.

I have also decided that I want to edit a book on Preaching the Psalms at Easter (hopefully by Easter 2013).

Here is N.T. Wright on Reading Mark for Easter


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