ParseGreek on Android

ParseGreek on Android May 25, 2012

For the smart phone users out there (non-iPhone), Danny Zacharias’ useful app ParseGreek is now available on Android.

ΠαrsεGrεεk is designed to help both beginning students and advanced students. Advanced students can quiz themselves by frequency and other criteria. For beginning students, ΠαrsεGrεεk has been designed to be compatible with today’s top intro grammars:

– William Mounce, Basics of Biblical Greek (2009)
– N. Clayton Croy, Biblical Greek Primer (1999)
– James Hewett, New Testament Greek (2009)
– David Alan Black, Learn to Read New Testament Greek (2009)
– Gerald Stevens, New Testament Greek Primer (2010)
– Jeremy Duff, Elements of New Testament Greek (2005)

See Google Play for the details.

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