RBL review of Jason Hood’s Ph.D Thesis

RBL review of Jason Hood’s Ph.D Thesis June 22, 2012

I am most pleased to see a relatively glowing review at RBL by M. Eugene Boring of Jason Hood’s published Ph.D dissertation The Messiah, His Brothers, and the Nations (Matthew 1.1-17). The opening line reads:

This stimulating and well-written book is a revision of the author’s PhD dissertation accepted by Highland Theological College and the University of Aberdeen in 2009, supervised by Michael F. Bird and I. Howard Marshall. The author is Scholar-inResidence at Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee.

Boring has very little in way of criticism other than wishing that Jason had used a more redactional approach in places, esp. in detailing Matthean difference from Mark.

It is a very good thesis and anyone interested in Matthew or just preaching from the genealogy should consult.

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