You are trying to read too much if . . .

You are trying to read too much if . . . June 4, 2012

Summertime is when you can catch up on all the reading you weren’t able to get to during the academic and ministry year – at least in theory. But lately I’ve been wondering whether or not I’m trying to read too much. Is it possible to read too much? I think so. So here’s a little questionnaire I’ve come up with.

You are trying to read too much if . . .

. . . the stack of books you’re attempting to read is nearly 3 feet high.

. . . you don’t have time to reflect on the book you’ve just finished reading.

. . . you are attempting to read 5 or more books at one time.

. . . one of the books you’re reading is Bethge’s biography of Bonhoeffer.

. . . you don’t exercise in order to read more.

. . . you avoid people so you can read more.

. . . you don’t ever finish a book you start.

. . . you take a book to a holiday cookout.

What do you think? Can you come up with some more questions for the questionnaire?


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