John Dickson – The Church in Secular Culture

John Dickson – The Church in Secular Culture April 20, 2013

Over at Leadership Journal is an interview with my good friend John Dickson on The Church in Secular Culture. John is co-founder of the Center for Public Christianity and senior minister at St. Andrews Anglican Church in Sydney. He argues that we have to stop assuming Christianity’s privileged position in society. We cannot admonish the masses to return to the faith, most of whom have no faith. He says:

When you move out of admonition into mission, you realize Australia is no longer Jerusalem; it’s Athens. Then you instantly adopt a humbler approach to non-Christians. You don’t expect them to live Christian lives if they don’t confess Christ. You don’t expect Parliament to pass Christian-specific laws. But as a leader, you try to persuade the nation with winsomeness, with gentleness and respect, as Peter says in 1 Peter 3:15.

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