Review of 1 Esdras in ExpT

Review of 1 Esdras in ExpT May 16, 2013

The latest issue of ExpT has a positive review by Paul Foster of my (now probably forgotten) 1 Esdras commentary for the Septuagint Commentary Series.

This is an important addition to the Septuagint Commentary Series, and makes a valuable contribution to scholarship on 1 Esdras. All three sections of the volume are helpful in generating a deeper understanding of the text, and for the appreciation of the textual and exegetical issues that surround it. This is a strong piece of scholarship.

Truth be told, I fear receiving reviews of this book more than any other, for despite the several years I spent working on this project, I felt that I only scratched the surface of all things pertaining to Ezra/Esdras, Apocrypha and LXX scholarship .

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