A Toast to Wine … in Moderation

A Toast to Wine … in Moderation April 1, 2016

A nice article by author Addie Zierman on A Toast to My Journey with Wine, which is about the joys of discovering wine after a youth of abstinence, and learning to enjoy it responsibly.

I really do enjoy my wine, especially on weekends, with Italian and Indian food, but I’ve learned the rule, three glass limit!

I like what she says:

When we do wine right, it’s communion. It’s a holy mystery. It’s a gift. But it’s also possible to do it wrong—and I have. I pour another glass even when I know I shouldn’t. At times, instead of talking about my pain and failures, my exhaustion and frustrations, I drink about them. It’s a fake and temporary solution at best—and a wicked hangover at worst. Much of the time, I am able to keep my footing on that spacious path of sweetness and beauty. But sometimes I get off track and end up facedown in a ditch of my own making.

Keep an eye out for Giesela Kreglinger’s forthcoming book, The Spirituality of Wine, which I reckon will be as charming as a glass of Merlot on a Spring evening.


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