Evolution from the Inside Out

Evolution from the Inside Out November 28, 2012

When most people think of evolution, they think of the growth and development of the exterior dimensions of reality—the biological evolution of natural species, the development of the cosmos from the Big Bang to the present, or the rapidly accelerating advancement of technology. But much less often spoken about is the evolution of our interiors—of our subjective experience of consciousness and our shared cultural values, morals, and beliefs. It’s this kind of interior evolution that my teaching of Evolutionary Enlightenment is all about. 

In the following video excerpt from a recent talk I gave in New York, I explain in detail what this “evolution from the inside out” actually means:




This post was originally published on Andrew Cohen’s BigThink.com blog, The Evolution of Enlightenment.

Andrew is the best-selling author of Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening. To download a 38-page excerpt, click here.

Image: © rolffimages – Fotolia.com


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