Wrap-up: 7 keys to conscious communication

Wrap-up: 7 keys to conscious communication October 4, 2010

Here’s the wrap-up of the Seven Keys to Conscious Communication, from my last seven blogs (you can click on any of these to go back to the original blog and refresh your memory–or read it for the first time):

  1. Freedom to feel.
  2. Connection to self.
  3. Speaking the truth.
  4. Taking responsibility.
  5. Noticing your state.
  6. Solving from creative brain.
  7. Committing to impeccable integrity.

Whew!! What a list. These are the powerhouse actions, the ones to take to get the most bang for your buck, the biggest payoff to your energy outlay. They are often not easy, but they are always effective.

So, now what to do with these? Here’s some encouragement that I decided to personally broadcast (if you can’t see this, just click on the title at the top of this post to get the video):

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