Hello, Patheos Readers!

Hello, Patheos Readers! February 8, 2017


We’re in the middle of a monumental evolutionary shift.

Can you feel it?

It’s in how we talk to each other. How we connect. What we imagine. What we’re co-creating–the new world we’re manifesting.

I dare say—it’s why you spend time on Patheos, reinspiring yourself. Because you’re part of this shift.

Sure, there’s some cultural drama right now. Collectively, it’s as though we had to touch back to an old way, sink into the right/wrong duality that seems to comfort us—even as it scares the bejesus out of us. But it’s temporary, a way for us to take a breath before jumping off the cliff into the unknown, where we’ll be living in a whole different reality.

“Evolutionary Power” describes the flow of energy that we’re riding into this new world. It’s the step beyond the hierarchical, Power Over/Power Under paradigm that we’ve relied on for centuries. The structures of Evolutionary Power support every human to live from our essential selves, to find our way past the contraction of Reactive Brain into the expanded, limitless spaces of Creative Brain. Instead of having to line ourselves up in a pecking order where you being big depends on me being small (or vice versa), Evolutionary Power means that we all benefit from every single one of us living fully into our potential.

I believe a truly powerful life requires living in alignment with one’s soul purpose while evolving one’s level of consciousness. This in turn, contributes to evolving the consciousness of all of humanity. Evolutionary power, then, is living in flow and from one’s essence, creating consciously and manifesting directly, so that one is a walking expression of their deepest self.

I am grateful to the folks at Patheos for giving me the space to bring my ideas out to you. I’ve been developing them for decades, in my psychotherapy practice, in the workshops and classes I teach, with the groups and organizations I facilitate, and of course, in my own life. I’ve had the honor of sitting (and standing and moving and dancing) with clients for something approximating 45,000 hours. That’s a lot of time to try things, see their effects, sit back and ponder it all, then return with new, fine-tuned interventions. I’ve had many days where I’ve come home and proudly exclaimed “I was a good therapist today!”–and plenty of others where I was convinced I was an abject failure. I’ve cried at the tragedy of my clients’ suffering, and quietly celebrated in the odd anonymity of “the therapist” when they triumphed. And with every sacred moment, I’ve been learning, exploring, discovering a powerful new path.

My intention for this blog is to share my best ideas for this new path with you while we all have the most fun we can. My best hope is that you’ll enter into a conversation with me so that what ends up here is an example of the co-creativity that totally juices me up.

OK, ready to jump? Let’s go together. This new world will be amazing. Living in Evolutionary Power means we get to love more deeply, live more purposefully, serve more gladly, create more joyfully, and finally, be the humans we all know we can be. It’s all possible.


For more information about me and my work, go to www.juliacolwell.com. Oh–you can call me Julie.

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