Adding the body

Adding the body March 7, 2011

I just spent an amazing weekend teaching the workshop “Adding the Body” with my dear friend, colleague, and mentor, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks. We had the luxury of three days with an eager and open group where we explored the vast territory of how life looks once people truly land in our bodies.

Co-creating with Katie is a dream come true for me. I consider her and her husband Gay to be living masters. To teach next to her was like the first days of playing for the NBA–exhilarating! I slept very well last night.

As we played, we created a new concept–the Essence Interview. I’m fascinated by states of consciousness and how we create from our state. Often “something happens” and we go into Reactive Brain, those states of consciousness that are crystalized from past experiences of threat. Katie and I wondered what would happen if we could crystalize states of consciousness in Creative Brain, so that accessing our most divine aspects of ourselves is as easy as triggering personas like “less-than,” “the exploder,” and “the controller.”

Andrea Issacs (creator of EnneaMotion) participated in the weekend and got excited about this idea. She will be interviewing me on her radio show this Thursday (noon MST, go here to listen) and we’ll be demonstrating the Essence Interview. Join us–and learn how to access your essence anytime, anywhere.

Join me for the launch of my book, The Relationship Ride: A Usuable, Unusual, Transformative Guide, on Saturday, April 2, 7pm at the Boulder Center for Conscious Community.

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