Recommitting to a world of real power: love

Recommitting to a world of real power: love September 11, 2011

I’ve just spent the day with my colleagues at the Boulder Center for Conscious Community. We had our annual Open House and Sampler Day, opening our doors to the public, showing off what we’re up to at the BC3.

The fact that today is the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 bombings put what the BC3 is about (“A conscious community of co-creators discovering and expressing essence”) in stark relief to so much of how the world is operating right now. Considering the violence, the knee-jerk reactions, our collective acute fear that I remember from that day–and the days of anthrax, more attacks, Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib–I can see how my own Reactive Brain found lots of support for a view of the world that focuses on the worst of humanity: our hatred, our lashing out at “the enemy,” our walling off and separation from fellow humans in an attempt to separate “good” from “evil.”

Then Lin Harden starts off today owning her own “inner terrorist.” And Lynds Pickett reminds us about the Global Coherence Initiative, where people around the world meditate from their hearts, enfolding the image of planet earth in love and compassion. And Ted Mersino schools us on what anger is really about; Robbie Staufer connects us with benevolent spiritual helpers; Jean Dumas Skyfeather reminds us how to clear our energy; Laura Conley demonstrates how to see each person’s essence through his or her strength. Each speaker today took us from the one-dimensional view of humanity as predator and prey, caught in an endless game of “survival of the fittest,” and to the hugely expanded field of what we’re all evolving into: a web of connection through the heart, through the soul, through our love.

The day ended with authors from Integrity Arts Press reading from their works. The humor was healing, but it was the loving rendition of humans doing our best that hit me straight in the heart. I could see so clearly what a choice it is to see the world from the most dense–where fear, anger, and violence make sense–or the most expanded–where only love, compassion, and connection are at all logical. The background of 9/11 makes me particularly determined to do what I  know how to do: choose love.

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