April 30, 2013

“When we’re fully in flow, we could be attracted to a rutabaga.”* —Gay Hendricks I’ve been getting more educated about transgender issues. My brilliant colleague, Tara Eastcott, Ph.D., took the time to help me understand how people have almost infinite ways of identifying ourselves. She believes that gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, how we relate to their bodies, and how we express ourselves sexually can all have unique, essential expression. Dr. Eastcott uses a slot-machine analogy, showing how, similar... Read more

April 18, 2013

What I’ve noticed about the bombing is my own lack of reaction. I don’t know anyone personally who has been impacted, and I don’t have a personal connection to Boston, so I’m sure that’s part of it what’s going on for me. A whole other piece that I’m interested in, however, is that I’m not shocked. I’m not appalled. This event seems exactly in line with what I perceive about our collective consciousness. We clearly (as a species) still love... Read more

March 30, 2013

Imagine this. It’s 1993. Amendment 2 had recently passed in Colorado, making it legal to discriminate against gays and lesbians. For Colorado gays and lesbians, there was a feeling in the air of hurt, betrayal, pride, and determination. We went off to the 1993 March on Washington ready for action, for a witnessing of our experience. To find other folks from the LGBT community who could understand what it was like to live in a state where any passer by... Read more

March 25, 2013

This was my maiden voyage into the world of the webinar, and even more, to Keynote (the Apple version of PowerPoint). I had a blast! So, here’s the link–enjoy!     Read more

March 10, 2013

I’ve been reading Thich Nhat Hanh‘s book,  Art of Power. It’s one of those books that’s been on my shelf for quite awhile, until now, right when I needed to hear the message. Here’s the line I want to bring to your attention: “Living happily in the present moment.” I read this statement last week and have been practicing it off and on since then. I have a sense of shifting my life in a profound way, going from focusing... Read more

February 12, 2013

Have you noticed how “I love you” can be like an empty gift box–wrapped well, but with nothing inside? I first observed this sitting with couples where one was ending the relationship. “I don’t want to be with you. But I love you. I’ll always love you.” Watching the recoil of the receiver of this mixed-up message gave me pause as I wondered how we use these three words. I. Love. You. I vowed that if I were going to... Read more

February 1, 2013

I’ve been thinking and talking with folks a lot about health lately. As I was using my tongue scraper this morning (it’s a way to clean off the “ama,” or disease-creating substance that gathers in our bodies), I was thinking about how much Ayurveda (the 5,000 year-old system of medicine from India) has changed my life. Here are the top 10 things I’ve learned from this amazingly detailed, health-promoting system: 1. Everyone has her/his own unique body constitution. We’re all... Read more

January 13, 2013

Audio Comments: Treasure Blog Last Saturday, I taught a class to the Intensive Learning Community (the ILC, the ongoing community of learners committed to living consciously) that is about skills to take us beyond living from intention. As I’ve explored living from and into essence over the years, I’ve discovered some of the most powerful skills that support true transformation into lives that are fulfilling, flowing, and meaningful. Below is the hand-out that I gave to the ILC. I’ve also... Read more

January 13, 2013

Having had time to process some of my horror and outrage about the Newtown shootings, I’ve had time to muse on the greater implications. Specifically, I’ve begun to wonder what it means to be the shooter. The social isolate who finally cracks, the sociopath who is willing to terrorize, the copycat who phones in the bomb threat. Who are these people who exist on the edges of our society where one of our greatest needs is belonging? What do we do... Read more

December 24, 2012

Here we are in the middle of the holiday season, when the to-do list can seem endless, and energy hard to come by. As you decide how you want to participate in the variety of possible events, you might want to take a moment to inventory where you are with your own energy. Here’s an inventory I put together so you can see where you are with being balanced about giving and receiving. SYMPTOMS OF BEING OUT OF BALANCE WITH... Read more

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