Coffee With Jesus (A Review)

Coffee With Jesus (A Review) December 17, 2013

I am grateful to IVP for sending me a complementary review copy of David Wilkie’s Coffee with Jesus. I hope that most people are already familiar with the comic series on the Radio Free Babylon website, which has been widely shared (and sometimes imitated) online.

The cartoon uses the same figures in the same poses over and over again, yet with differing text that has often managed to provide a succinct and powerfully challenging message.

If you enjoy the series, the book is worth buying just to read the blurbs on the back cover – and see what Wilkie’s Jesus has to say about them. And the volume will make a good Christmas gift – which is one reason I rushed to try to get a review up on the blog quickly!

Here are a couple of examples from the series which I’ve shared here before:

The latter seems particularly relevant in light of the news that Harold Camping passed away.

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