Do you have the spiritual gift of giving?

Do you have the spiritual gift of giving? May 2, 2018

The Spiritual Gift of Giving

In my years as a Christian, I have observed that most discussions of spiritual gifts tend to focus on the more sensational gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12: 8-10: gifts such as working miracles, tongues, prophecy, special knowledge and healing.

However, I have rarely heard believers dig into the more ordinary gifts of giving, encouragement, serving, kindness and leadership described Romans 12: 6-8.  I wonder why.  Could it be that we prefer being zapped with some supernatural manifestation of God’s spirit to simply doing what we already know we should be doing?  Are we more intrigued by a spiritual experience than we are in serving others?

Is it all about us?  I wonder.

Because we overlook the Romans gift list, and because God is a generous gift giver, it is quite likely that many of us have spiritual gifts that we do not acknowledge.  Think about it: servers are faithful and loyal; encouragers know how to motivate others; givers are generous and trusting;  leaders are good organizers and managers; and those who show kindness are caring people who are happy to give their time to others.

If any of these attributes describe you, it is time to recognize that your Heavenly Father has singled you out and bestowed the accompanying gift on you.  By doing so, we not only take focus off of ourselves, but we reflect it to God, the giver of all gifts.

Therefore, if you are generous and trusting, you can be sure that you have been given the gift of giving.  


 How about you?

All of us, of course, are called by God to be givers.  However, not all of us are specially gifted by God to be extraordinary givers.  I do not write this to guilt you into a mold you don’t fit.  However, I challenge you to keep your options open.  The gift of giving could be lying dormant within you.  Or, whatever your age, God may choose to bestow this gift on you.

 The greatest gift

In my opinion, giving is one of the greatest spiritual gifts available to us.  Why?  Because God himself is a giver…He gave the world His only son.  By giving us a gift of giving, He is making us more and more like Himself.

What could be better than that?

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