How to Remove Suffering in a Christian’s Life

How to Remove Suffering in a Christian’s Life October 18, 2023

Suffering Removed / Image Courtesy of

Suffering is a universal experience that touches every life, regardless of faith or belief. However, for Christians, the concept of deliverance holds a unique and profound significance. The belief in divine deliverance, rooted in the teachings of the Bible, offers solace and hope in the face of suffering. In this article, we will explore the idea that deliverance removes suffering in a Christian’s life, examining the scriptural basis and the practical implications of this belief.

The Theological Foundation

1. Biblical Teachings on Deliverance:

The core of Christian faith lies in the pages of the Bible, and within its sacred texts, there is a consistent theme of deliverance. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments, the Bible presents numerous accounts of God intervening to deliver His people from suffering and bondage. One of the most iconic examples of this divine deliverance can be found in the story of the Exodus.

The Exodus, recorded in the Book of Exodus within the Old Testament, stands as a monumental illustration of God’s power to bring deliverance from oppression. This narrative unfolds in Egypt, where the Israelites, descendants of Jacob, were subjected to brutal slavery and tyranny at the hands of the Egyptians.

For generations, the Israelites endured the oppressive rule of the Egyptians. Their cries for deliverance reached the heavens, and in response, God raised up a leader, Moses, to act as a deliverer. Through a series of awe-inspiring miracles, including the ten plagues and the parting of the Red Sea, God displayed His might and delivered the Israelites from their bondage. The Exodus marked a pivotal moment in the history of God’s people, signifying the commencement of their journey towards the Promised Land.

However, the story of the Exodus transcends mere historical significance. It serves as a compelling illustration of God’s unwavering commitment to deliver His people from suffering and bondage. It reveals God’s sovereignty, His compassion, and His readiness to intervene on behalf of those who call upon Him in their times of desperation.

The suffering and cries of the Israelites did not go unnoticed. This narrative emphasizes that God is acutely aware of the plight of the oppressed and suffering. He is deeply moved by their distress and responds with compassion.

The miraculous events and plagues in the Exodus demonstrate God’s power to intervene in the natural course of events. He can utilize extraordinary means to bring about deliverance, even in seemingly insurmountable circumstances.

The journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land parallels the spiritual journey of every believer. It serves as a metaphor for the Christian walk, which is characterized by trials, tests, and challenges but ultimately leads to the promise of a brighter future.

The Exodus underscores the importance of placing trust in God’s promises. Despite the trials encountered during their journey, the Israelites were encouraged to have faith in God’s plan for their deliverance and salvation.

2. Christ’s Sacrifice and Deliverance:

For Christians, the ultimate deliverance is intricately tied to the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Within Christian theology, the crucifixion of Jesus holds a central and profound significance. It is viewed as an atoning act of divine deliverance, offering humanity liberation from the enslavement of sin and the looming specter of eternal suffering.

The foundation of this belief can be found in the New Testament of the Bible, with the Apostle Paul’s writings emphasizing this transformative notion. Paul’s teachings underscore the idea that through faith in Jesus Christ, believers are granted freedom from the eternal consequences of sin. This freedom from sin is not just a theoretical concept but a practical reality that profoundly impacts the lives of Christians.

The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, according to Christian belief, serve as a divine transaction that expiates and redeems humanity from the consequences of sin. In this theological framework, Jesus is regarded as the sacrificial lamb, whose death pays the price for the sins of humanity. Through this act of atonement, believers are delivered from the bondage of sin, reconciled with God, and granted eternal life.

This doctrine holds a profound impact on the lives of Christians. It provides them with a profound sense of hope, assurance, and deliverance. By accepting Jesus Christ as their savior and placing their faith in Him, Christians believe they are set free from the guilt and penalty of sin. The burden of sin and the eternal suffering it entails are replaced by the promise of salvation and eternal life in the presence of God.

The Practical Implications

1. Deliverance from Sin:

Central to the Christian belief in deliverance is the conviction that God offers a pathway to liberation from the enslavement of sin. This process is characterized by three fundamental components: repentance, faith in Jesus Christ, and the transformation of one’s life.

Repentance stands as the initial step in the journey towards deliverance. It involves recognizing one’s sinful nature, feeling remorse for one’s transgressions, and making a sincere commitment to turn away from sin. Repentance is seen as a crucial aspect of seeking God’s forgiveness and experiencing a radical change in one’s life.

Faith in Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christian deliverance. Believers firmly trust that Jesus, through His sacrificial death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, offers atonement for their sins. By accepting Jesus as their Savior and acknowledging His redemptive work, Christians believe they are set free from the guilt and power of sin.

The transformation of one’s life is a tangible outcome of this faith and repentance. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Christians experience a process of sanctification, where they are gradually molded into the likeness of Christ. This transformation involves a growing obedience to God’s commandments, an increased capacity to love and forgive, and a departure from the patterns of sin that once enslaved them.

Many Christians provide testimony to this profound deliverance from the burden of sin. They speak of experiencing a transformative power that goes beyond mere words—a deliverance that touches their hearts and reshapes their lives. Through their faith in Jesus Christ, they find liberation from the weight of guilt, shame, and the dominating influence of sin.

2. Deliverance from Trials and Tribulations:

Christians acknowledge that suffering is an inherent part of life, and their faith does not guarantee the complete elimination of hardships. However, the concept of deliverance within the Christian worldview is not solely about the removal of suffering; rather, it revolves around the idea that believers are not left to confront their trials and tribulations in isolation. It is a belief that God is with them in their moments of suffering, offering a profound sense of comfort, strength, and a greater purpose for the pain they endure.

This perspective transforms the way Christians approach suffering. Instead of viewing hardship as an isolated and purposeless experience, they interpret it through the lens of faith. They see it as an opportunity to draw closer to God and to align themselves with His will. While the pain may persist, they find solace in the understanding that they are not alone in their struggles.

The presence of God during suffering provides a source of strength. Christians believe that the Divine presence is a wellspring of fortitude that enables them to endure even the most arduous trials. This inner strength is not born out of their own human abilities but rather from a connection with the Divine, which empowers them to persevere.

Comfort, too, is a vital aspect of this belief. Christians hold that God is a source of profound comfort, offering solace in times of distress. It is a comforting presence that provides reassurance in moments of doubt, a refuge in times of fear, and a source of hope when the outlook is bleak. The knowledge that God understands their suffering and is there to provide comfort is a profound source of solace.

Furthermore, this perspective illuminates the idea that suffering can have a greater purpose. Christians believe that God can use their pain and trials for His divine purposes, such as building character, strengthening faith, or impacting the lives of others. This broader outlook infuses suffering with meaning and significance, allowing them to view their challenges as opportunities for growth and spiritual development.

3. Deliverance from Fear:

Fear is an ever-present aspect of the human experience, capable of inflicting deep suffering. The Christian faith, however, provides a profound source of assurance in the face of fear. It encapsulates the belief that God serves as a refuge and fortress, offering deliverance from the torment of fear. In Psalm 34:4, a passage from the Bible, this assurance is beautifully articulated: “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

This verse, resonating through the pages of scripture, encapsulates the Christian conviction that God is not a distant and disinterested entity but a present and compassionate refuge for those in need. It signifies that believers do not have to confront their fears alone. Instead, they can turn to the Divine for solace, guidance, and strength, knowing that their supplications will be met with a response.

The idea of God as a fortress against fear speaks to a deeply rooted human need for security in the face of life’s uncertainties. When fear, doubt, and anxiety creep into the human heart, the Christian faith offers a sanctuary. It is the belief that, in God’s presence, believers find shelter and reassurance, akin to finding refuge in a fortified stronghold amid a storm.

The promise of deliverance from fear is a remarkable source of comfort for Christians. It signifies that they need not be crippled by their anxieties, that they can confront their fears with faith in a God who listens, cares, and acts. This assurance brings a sense of serenity in the midst of turmoil, a profound belief that they are not alone, and that the God they turn to is not only able but willing to provide deliverance from the suffering inflicted by fear.

4. Deliverance through Prayer and Community:

In the Christian faith, the belief in deliverance extends beyond the individual and into the realm of communal support and spiritual practices. Christians place great importance on the power of prayer and the strength of their faith community as means to find solace and deliverance from suffering.

Prayer, in the Christian context, is not just a ritual but a deeply personal and profound means of communication with God. Christians turn to prayer as a way to seek God’s intervention in their lives, beseeching His guidance, comfort, and deliverance from the challenges they face. Prayer serves as a direct line of communication with the Divine, offering a sense of connection and the belief that God is not indifferent to their struggles. It is through prayer that Christians express their hopes, fears, and gratitude, trusting that their petitions will be heard.

Moreover, the Christian community plays a central role in providing deliverance from suffering. The support and fellowship of fellow believers are viewed as a wellspring of strength and comfort during times of difficulty. Christians gather together to share their burdens, pray for one another, and offer mutual support. This sense of togetherness and shared faith bolsters their resilience in the face of adversity. The Christian community embodies the idea that believers are not alone in their suffering; they have a network of compassionate souls ready to walk with them on their journey.

The power of prayer and the support of the Christian community represent a holistic approach to deliverance from suffering. They intertwine faith, human connection, and divine intervention, offering a multifaceted source of hope, comfort, and strength. Through prayer and the bonds of community, Christians find that they can navigate life’s trials with a sense of unity and trust in a God who listens and a community that cares, ultimately experiencing a profound deliverance from the weight of their suffering.


About Dr. David K. Ewen
As an ordained minister, Dr. David K. Ewen's approach to teaching biblical principles is marked by a dedication to authenticity and relevance. He strives to bridge the gap between ancient texts and the modern world, making the wisdom of the Bible accessible and applicable to the challenges and dilemmas of today. His teachings resonate with individuals seeking spiritual guidance, moral clarity, and a deeper understanding of their faith. You can read more about the author here.

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