Blessing Ephraim Over Manasseh

Blessing Ephraim Over Manasseh March 14, 2024

Jacob chooses to bless Ephraim over Manasseh / Image Courtesy of Enterprise College
Jacob chooses to bless Ephraim over Manasseh / Image Courtesy of Enterprise College

In a surprising twist within the Bible’s stories, Jacob, a key figure known for his own unique journey to receiving blessings, makes an unconventional decision when it comes to passing on blessings to his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh. This story isn’t just about who gets what; it’s a deep dive into the themes of tradition, personal merit, and divine will.

Breaking Tradition

In the times of the Bible, it was the norm for the eldest son to receive the greater blessing from his father, which included leadership and inheritance rights. This tradition was a big deal, emphasizing the importance of birth order. However, Jacob decides to take a different path. When Joseph, Jacob’s son, brings his two sons for their blessings, everyone expects Manasseh, the older brother, to receive the primary blessing. But Jacob has other plans.

A Turn of Events

As Joseph positions his sons before Jacob, with Manasseh on Jacob’s right side (traditionally reserved for the firstborn) and Ephraim on the left, something unexpected happens. Jacob crosses his arms, placing his right hand on Ephraim’s head and his left on Manasseh’s, signifying that Ephraim, the younger, would receive the greater blessing. This action was not a mistake or an oversight; it was a deliberate choice that shocked Joseph and possibly everyone else watching.

Learning from the Past

Why would Jacob do this? His decision was deeply rooted in his own life experiences. Jacob, who had received his father Isaac’s blessing by pretending to be his brother Esau, knew firsthand that blessings and destiny were not just about tradition or birth order. He recognized that blessings could be part of a larger, divine plan and that worthiness and personal merit were also crucial. By choosing Ephraim over Manasseh, Jacob was not just making a personal statement but also acknowledging what he believed was God’s will.

Embracing Divine Will and Merit

Jacob’s action teaches us a valuable lesson about looking beyond societal norms and expectations. It reminds us that sometimes, life’s greatest blessings and roles are not about who we are born as or the order we come into the world but about our character, actions, and, perhaps, a higher plan we may not fully understand.

Jacob’s choice to bless Ephraim over Manasseh serves as a powerful example of how personal experiences, faith, and a willingness to see beyond the conventional can lead to profound decisions that shape the future. It’s a story that encourages us to think about how we perceive tradition, merit, and divine guidance in our own lives.

About Dr. David K. Ewen
Meet Dr. David K. Ewen, a remarkable individual with a heart full of unwavering compassion and a dedication that knows no bounds. Beyond his role as an ordained minister, he is a guiding light for countless individuals, couples, and families who seek spiritual guidance and support. You can read more about the author here.

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