40 Days to a Better Marriage

40 Days to a Better Marriage February 15, 2013

This lent, More2Life Radio is promoting “40 Days to a Better Marriage.”

Lenten disciplines aren’t about suffering for suffering’s sake.  They are about removing obstacles to the nuptial union God desires with each of us.  In other words, lent is about removing the obstacles that stop us from receiving God’s love and preparing ourselves to love God and others more perfectly in return.

Because most of us are married, and because marriage is an earthly sign of the nuptial union God desires with all of us, More2Life radio–and now Faith on the Couch–will post one tip a day to make your marriage better.  Here’s a recap of the last several day’s ideas.  I hope you enjoy the suggestions.

THURS 2/14–“Catch your spouse being good.”  Tell your spouse how much you appreciate something they did today.  Be grateful for the gift that is your mate.

FRI 2/15–“The ‘I love you’ Surprise.”  When your spouse least expects it.  Take your mate by the shoulders.  look him/her in the eye, and say as meaningfully as you can, “I just want you to know how much I love you and how glad I am that you are in my life.”  The hold him/her for a moment.  If they ask “Why?” Say, “Just because.”  And give him/her another squeeze.  Leave it at that.  A little mystery can be a good thing.

SAT 2/16–Do something for your spouse that he or she would normally do for him or herself.  Get him his coffee.  Iron her blouse. Choose something your mate won’t expect.  Surprise your beloved with an unexpected gift of service.

SUN 2/17–Pray Together.  Pray, out loud, in each other’s presence.  Thank God for the gift of your marriage.  Thank God for specific ways your spouse is a blessing.  Ask God to teach you both to love each other better and to give you the courage to grow closer no matter what life throws at you. Thank him for the grace that got you this far.  Let God show his plan for your love.



For more help creating an exceptional marriage, contact the Pastoral Solutions Institute to learn more about Catholic tele-counseling services.  740-266-6461.

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