Jesus’ virgin birth? What difference does it make?

Jesus’ virgin birth? What difference does it make? December 23, 2023

Image of the Virgin and Child / Bart. Coriolanus Fecit. Bononiae anno 1630. Library of Congress
The Virgin and Child / Bart. Coriolanus Fecit. Bononiae anno 1630. Library of Congress

As sure as Christmas means Santa and gingerbread, someone asks about the “virgin birth.”

Some Christians find value in the Biblical birth narrative.

Some demand belief in the Virgin Mary or belief in the scriptures that give us the Christmas story of a babe born in a manger.

But early Christians weren’t as concerned with the birth of Jesus, as they were concerned with the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The story of Jesus’ birth is in only two of the Gospels. His resurrection is in all four Gospels.

What happened was a guy was executed by the government, and then a few days later, he came back to life. Turns out his claims of being the Son of God were true. Hundreds of people saw him alive and well, and they told people, and they told people, and they told people, and someone told me. It happened.

The life, message and lessons of Jesus mean more to me than the Biblical accounts of his birth, and the need to ‘fulfill scripture.’

I don’t care about fulfilling Jewish scripture. I care about the guy who overcame death itself because he was God in a human body.

Just as God assumed the humble life of a child, so too, does God call us to become humble and innocent.

HOW the child came to be isn’t as important as the fact we are called by that child to help other children. To help God’s children.

Jesus, God in human form, calls us to do God’s will. And he clearly explains what we are to do — love God, love others.

Take care of others, as we would take care of a baby.

Trust in the Lord as a child trusts.

Pour out our love on others, empty ourselves, so that God can fill us.

Be born again, innocent and new, like a child. Be like the child born someday, somewhere, 2,000 years ago, who was God incarnate and the savior of the world.


Jim Meisner, Jr. is the author of the novel Faith, Hope, and Baseball, available on Amazon, or follow this link to order an autographed copy.

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