October 23, 2015

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October 23, 2015

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October 17, 2015

We live in bubbles. Surrounded by  people like us, most of us seldom encounter people who are significantly different. We have our interests, our jobs and our educations, and we tend to be around people with similar backgrounds. Of course there are exceptions. Growing up, I played sports and performed on stage. In high school, I played less basketball and started smoking. I moved from group to group, and was acquainted with all types of people – my life was... Read more

October 17, 2015

The idea for this series of memes entered my mind during church Sunday. Or did God ‘put the idea upon my heart?’ I don’t know, that’s up to you to decide. I have a whole series like this, that I’ll post over the next few months. Read more

October 16, 2015

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October 13, 2015

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October 3, 2015

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September 26, 2015

It says something about the state of Christianity in the United States when the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, is heralded as liberal. My Facebook feed is filled with posts from all sorts of progressive Christians celebrating every step and comment of Pope Francis as he makes his way from American city to American city. Comments and images like this: I’m a progressive Christian, but I’m also a product of the Protestant Revolution.... Read more

September 26, 2015

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September 22, 2015

The Creator is active in creation. We can most closely connect to our Creator in creation – feeling the earth beneath our feet, running our hands through water, breathing deep the smells of a forest as the wind plays through the trees and leaves, while the sound of birds fills the air. Ancient Celts recognized “thin” places where the physical word and spiritual world were closest together. These thin places are all around us, places where we can most easily... Read more

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