September 13, 2015

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September 12, 2015

I noticed the signs a few months ago. My then 15 month-old daughter and I were shopping at Target, wandering through the toys. The signs told me which aisles had  “Girl” toys and which had “Boy” toys. I was taken aback. The boxes of toys were just as the signs promised — packaging in the “Boy” section had photos of boys playing with toys and the “Girl” section showed boxes with smiling girls enjoying the wonders  of pink “Girl” toys.... Read more

September 12, 2015

There’s a common misunderstanding of the Bible – taking all the verses about a subject out of context, and then believing they are connected, when they aren’t. For example, the story of Sodom is about being inhospitable to strangers among you – as told in Genesis. But, people obviously didn’t understand, and so then, later, the Lord explained what the story of Sodom means in Ezekiel 16:49, “49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters... Read more

September 4, 2015

Three-year-old Aylan Kurdi died wearing the shoes his parents put on him for his long journey. His clothes were cared for. He was well-nourished. Obviously loved. His parents wanted him to grow up safe, not in a nation split by civil war and ruled by a tyrant. They risked everything to give him a better life. But he died. He died wearing the shoes his daddy bought him. While his parents struggled to take him somewhere safe, he drowned. He... Read more

September 3, 2015

If God asks you what you did during this massive refugee crisis, what will you say? You can help Syrian refugees – Read more

September 2, 2015

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August 30, 2015

We need another word to describe the current crowd of political opportunists in the US., because they aren’t Christian. I’m writing from a theological perspective, not a political point of view. Too many politicians seem to think God is their running mate. (Just Google any name + God.) I don’t mean a president saying “God bless the United States” or a politician saying “God bless you all” to end a speech. Politicians and leaders have always invoked God to support... Read more

August 25, 2015

President Carter was in the news last week, announcing his diagnosis of brain cancer. I’ve struggled with how to address this sad news. Sad, yet inspiring. Carter’s whole life has been inspiring. Less than a week after his announcement and cancer treatment, Carter was in church teaching Sunday school for the 689th time. We saw Carter teach Sunday school several years ago. Just last month, we took our daughter to meet him. He is an inspiring Christian and humanitarian. When... Read more

August 22, 2015

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August 16, 2015

Aug. 20 marks the anniversary of the murder of white Civil Rights activist Jonathan Daniels. Faith on the Fringe has many international readers. For some, and for younger readers who may not understand the depths of the Civil Rights struggle in the United States, the death of Jonathan Daniels is a stark example of people being wantonly gunned down in broad daylight simply for demanding all Americans be treated equally. Daniels, a 26 year-old Episcopal seminary student, was killed Aug.... Read more

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