July 8, 2015

Melanie Lynn Grifffin gets it: “Turns out, though, Jesus did not come to establish a religion or to write a book. He came to help us better know and connect with God so that we all “might have life, and have it to the full,” a life with the freedom and dignity to be fully who we were made to be and who we already are: beloved children of God, carrying that wild spirit inside us. Yup, even gay people.... Read more

July 3, 2015

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July 2, 2015

There are some really good articles here about some of the songs from one of the best, and strangest, bands in history. http://religiondispatches.org/section/the-sacred-and-the-dead/ Read more

June 28, 2015

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June 26, 2015

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June 25, 2015

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June 24, 2015

Too many of our fundamentalist Christian, non-Christian, pagan, and atheist sisters and brothers focus on the Bible and completely overlook Jesus. But you don’t need the Bible to get to Jesus. Just today, for example, a fundamentalist Christian on the internet asked how people can be Christian, without believing every word of the Bible. (She believes in the Bible and not in Jesus. There’s a lot of that going around.) Hundreds, thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of people learned about... Read more

June 24, 2015

I took my 16 month-old daughter to the Atlantic Ocean yesterday for the first time. Approaching the waves tentatively, she was mesmerized by the action of the rolling breakers. The Celtic tradition honors and celebrates the Creator through creation. God isn’t distant, judgmental and demanding – God is alive, immediate and accessible. Wading into the ocean, we step into the arteries of the Earth. The heartbeat of God, pulsating with life. The ocean reminds us of the unharnessed, raw, eternal... Read more

June 23, 2015

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June 22, 2015

By now, we’ve seen photos of the accused assassin of Rev. Clem Pinckney and eight others at “Mother Emanuel” AME Church, in Charleston, S.C. (I refuse to write his name.) We’ve seen the photos of him holding a racist flag. I’ve read what are believed to be examples of his hate-filled writing. My question is – who took his pictures? Is there an equally angry, equally racist friend of his out there? Read more

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