May 29, 2015

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May 28, 2015

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May 27, 2015

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May 26, 2015

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May 25, 2015

I met President Carter at his church several years ago, after he taught Sunday School. During the lesson, the scripture referenced Mount Sinai, and Carter paused to mention that when he was negotiating the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, Mount Sinai and the Sinai Peninsula was a source of contention. Carter said it was an example that this region of the world had been in conflict from ancient Biblical times through the modern era. But despite assassinations and constant... Read more

May 23, 2015

“I don’t know who their version of Jesus or God is. I have no comprehension of the Duggar’s idea of right and wrong.” In 48 hours the Duggar’s reputation came tumbling down like a house built on stone-colored sand. Their marginal brand of Conservative Christianity propelled them into a rose-colored national spotlight, where chastity, ‘tradition,’ and over-population are celebrated with a Pollyanna innocence. The spotlight grew more intense this week with revelations that Josh sexually assaulted some of his sisters... Read more

May 21, 2015

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May 21, 2015

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May 18, 2015

Former Congressional candidate guilty in plot to bomb, kill Muslims in upstate N.Y. hamlet of ‘Islamberg’  What a nut. Given how much right-wing, anti-Islamic vitriol pours out of the mouths of prominent Christians (#franklingraham), the surprise isn’t that this happened. The surprise is that it doesn’t happen every day. Read more

May 16, 2015

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