What The World Needs Now Is The Prince Of Peace

What The World Needs Now Is The Prince Of Peace December 20, 2023

Peace symbol made with yellow petals on a blue background
A peace symbol of yellow petals on a blue background reminds of the need for peace in Ukraine. [Picture courtesy of Pixabay.]
The news brings daily reports of conflict and strife all over the world. While everyone longs for peace, the Christmas season, a time meant for joy, multiplies that desire. But peace in the sense of the end of war alone isn’t what the world needs. In fact, what the world really needs is the Prince of Peace—Jesus.

The World’s Sad State of Affairs

Tension and trouble abound across the globe. Political divisions reach boiling points causing societal distress. In some instances, countries and peoples at odds with each other are engaging in actual war. Graphic visuals of the aftermath of fighting appear regularly on the news, with death tolls soaring to unimaginable numbers of lost lives.

According to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry, the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza since the beginning of the war neared 20,000 as of December 19thhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/hope-for-new-gaza-truce-talks-even-as-deaths-soar-in-israel-hamas-war/ar-AA1lMY0d. Additionally, US officials report the total number of Russian and Ukrainian troops killed or wounded in 18 months of war is almost half a million. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/18/us/politics/ukraine-russia-war-casualties.html. Peace is nowhere to be found in these numbers.

The World Scene At Jesus’ Birth

Sadly, despite technological advances, the world is much the same now as it was at the time Jesus’ birth. As Luke 2:1 indicates, Caesar Augustus ruled back then. The world he oversaw, a large Roman empire, had been “wrecked by war, destruction, brutality, and immorality.” https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/luke-2/. The same description easily fits today’s world, just on a much larger scale.

Despite this context, the time of Augustus’ rule seemed good comparatively. As a matter of fact, the 200- year historical period known as the Pax Romana (Latin for “Roman peace”) began with his accession. The period was seen as a golden age of Roman dominance, prosperity, and relative peace and order. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pax_Romana. Of course, things didn’t appear so wonderful from the perspective of those taxed and oppressed under Roman domination, such as the people of Jesus’ homeland.

Statue of Caesar Augustus
Caesar Augustus brought a prosperous and relatively peaceful time to Rome during his rule {Picture courtesy of Pixabay.]

Wasn’t Peace The Christmas Message?

The Christmas story recounted in Luke might indicate to some that peace would occur with the arrival of Baby Jesus. This conclusion no doubt stems from the message the heavenly host imparted to the shepherds in the field, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+2%3A13-14&version=NIV. But clearly no pervasive peace followed Jesus’ birth.

A close reading of the Scripture passage in Luke 2:14 explains the lack of peace back then and today. True peace extends to “those on whom his favor rests.” Given the poor and unacceptable behavior of numerous people walking this Earth, is it any wonder peace eludes us today? And Jesus’ lack of involvement in the politics of His day indicates His mission did not include providing political solutions.

What Is Peace?

Comprehending what peace is allows Christians to grasp what it will take to achieve it. An excellent dictionary definition of the term states peace is “a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom.” https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/peace. Since there’s nothing perfect about this world, peace can only come from a source of perfection.

The only perfect human to ever exist was Jesus Christ. The prophet Isaiah’s description of Him emphasizes the mighty power Jesus holds to provide peace to us and to our world: “…his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+9%3A6&version=ESV. Jesus, the means to salvation and the Prince of Peace, can provide the peace desperately needed in our world.

Nativity figure of Baby Jesus in the manger
Jesus came to this world as the Prince of Peace [Picture courtesy of Pixabay]

What The World Needs Now

What specifically does the world need? One popular idea formed the basis of singer Dionne Warwick’s hit “What The World Needs Now.” The song’s lyrics state: “What the world needs now is love sweet love.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfHAs9cdTqg. Love is indeed needed, but the world will only obtain peace if that love is the love embodied in the Prince of Peace.

Every believer can pitch in to help our world achieve peace. To start with, pray for peace on a regular basis. Next, put your faith into action and spread the Good News about Jesus. Without embracing Him, the people of the world will never experience true peace. In short, we sorely need the Prince of Peace now!

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