The Life Of Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter’s life both began and ended in Plains, Georgia. Born October 1, 1924, Jimmy grew up in that small southwestern Georgia whose population stood at a mere 573 in 2020. But the future president moved out into the big wide world graduating from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland in 1946. Carter served seven years as a naval officer, five in the submarine service, before returning home to assume the family peanut farm operations after his father’s death.

Post-Presidential Life
Jimmy Carter’s activities after leaving the White House secured his place in the hearts and minds of his fellow Americans. He worked tirelessly with diplomatic and humanitarian missions around the world, receiving the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts while in office and afterwards. Even into his nineties, Carter physically worked on Habitat For Humanity construction projects for the poor. Despite his globe-trotting, Carter continued to teach Sunday School at his small Southern Baptist home church in Plains.

The Faith Life of Jimmy Carter
While Jimmy Carter’s accomplishments merit appreciation, it is the man who he was that deserves the attention. He unabashedly admitted to his strong faith as a born again Christian before, during, and after his presidency. While the character of many politicians today is questionable, no such attack on Jimmy Carter could be made. He not only proclaimed his faith, but he lived it out every day. The former president provides a great example of a true man of faith and well as offering several faith lessons to fellow believers.
Faith Lesson #1 – Nothing But The Truth
Jesus referred to Himself as the way, the truth, and the life in John 14:6. As a follower of Christ, Jimmy Carter aspired to always speak the truth, and he voiced this goal publicly. During one campaign speech, he famously promised, “I’m Jimmy Carter and I’m running for president. I will never lie to you.”
Faith Lesson #2 – Read Your Bible Daily
Carter recognized the importance of staying grounded in God’s Word. Accordingly, he read the Bible on a daily basis. He noted in an interview that he and his wife, Rosalyn, embraced the tradition of reading the Bible every night as the last thing they did prior to bed. “One night she reads aloud and then the next night I read aloud. Then we have discussions about what we read to each other,” he explained. And the couple “never missed a night.”
Faith Lesson #3 – Choose The Right Life Partner
In 2 Corinthians 6:14, Paul told believers not to be yoked together with unbelievers. Jimmy Carter took this admonition to heart when he wed the love of his life, Rosalyn. in 1946. He called the union “the most important thing in my life.” Also a strong believer, Rosalyn supported her husband in all his endeavors, literally standing by his side assisting with construction on houses for Habitat For Humanity. Further, Rosalyn, joined with Jimmy in strengthening their faith through daily Bible reading and discussing the Scripture. This partnership offers a vivid example of iron sharpening iron as Proverbs 27:17 says.
By putting God in the center of their relationship, the Carters’ marriage was strong and long-lasting. Their 77-year union made them the longest married US presidential couple. Indeed, their threefold strand did not break, bringing to mind the advice in Ecclesiastes 4:12.

Faith Lesson #4 – Confess Your Sins
Although a great man, Jimmy remained human. That meant he was not perfect and sinned. He admitted to falling short. Carter’s remarks caused a stir when he confessed in a Playboy interview during his presidential campaign the he had “committed adultery in [his] heart many times.” But he received God’s forgiveness, spoke the truth about his failures, and did not portray himself as holier than thou.
Faith Lesson #5 – Go Into All The World
Wherever Jimmy Carter found himself, he spoke about his faith. As a midshipman at the US Naval Academy, he taught Bible lessons, a practice he continued even while serving as president and while serving on submarines as a naval officer. Running for president and acting as US president simply gave Carter a wider platform to express his beliefs. After leaving the White House, he literally went into all the world as Jesus directed His followers in Mark 16: 15 directs to demonstrate God’s love for his fellow man in numerous humanitarian and diplomatic missions.

Faith Lessons From The Life Of Jimmy Carter
Criticism leveled at Jimmy Carter’s record as president did not flow to the man himself. Carter, a man of integrity and strong faith, lived out his faith on a daily basis wherever he was whether that be on a submarine, on the campaign trail, in the White House, or on a construction project for Habitat For Humanity. For believers, his best legacy is the faith lessons from the life of Jimmy Carter.