Evangelicals Praise Production Tax Credit Extension

Evangelicals Praise Production Tax Credit Extension January 2, 2013

At the urging of the President and with bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate, Congress extended the wind production tax credit. The extension gives another year for a policy which has contributed to the significant growth of the wind industry and over 75,000 American jobs.

“Over the past few days the President and Congress came together to take bold steps to ensure that our kids really do matter when it comes to ensuring a clean energy future,” said Rev. Mitch Hescox, President & CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network, “You can’t put a price on the health of our children and wind power is a step in the right direction when it comes to energy and pollution.”

The Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) in partnership with The Good Steward Campaign reached out to key members of Congress and the Administration to urge bipartisan support for extending the wind production tax credit. Over the past 10 days over 30,000 pro-life evangelical weighed in with their members on the critical need to extend the credit.

While the credits are good short-term options for helping renewals compete with the often ignored external costs health costs associated with fossil fuels, EEN supports the removal of all energy subsidies and a market mechanism to account for fossil fuels’ externalities.

To learn more about our efforts visit http://creationcare.org/ourkids.

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