May 19, 2023

While watching my 1.5 year old son this week, I paused and asked myself, “Why is it so hard to stop eating mud?” Our boy is not necessarily a picky eater. Yet, his preferences (or lack there of) can go a little too far at times. Here is a list of things I have had to ask him not to eat or drink: Crayons Bath bubbles/water Diaper creams, lotions, or anything in a tube Crumbs that I am actively sweeping... Read more

May 15, 2023

In my introduction post, I mentioned that we would try to go deeper and see God in our daily lives. Before diving into weekly reflections, I want to get practical by answering the question, “How can I hear God?” I have come up with a list of 7 ways. Let me know if you can think of more! 7 Ways We Can Hear God When you first year someone say “I heard God say…”, what is your initial reaction? A... Read more

May 10, 2023

  Welcome to Formed by a Flame, a weekly column where I reflect on life through a worldview formed by the flame of faith. I put my daily life, books and media, or anything else through the fire to see what is below the surface. Theosis: Being Formed In Christianity, the process of purifying, illuminating, and uniting to God is called theosis or “making divine”. That is the goal here at Formed by a Flame, to form our mind to... Read more

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