Life in the world of the Cana Initiative has been very busy and productive.
We continue to hear relief, excitement and hopefulness in people when they learn that there is a concerted effort of Convening, Advocating, Networking and Acting for A Generous Christianity in North America.
The Cana approach is to provide crucial convening, advocating, networking energies at the right time in the most crucial and “pregnant” efforts in order to extend, broaden and sustain the Generous Christianity Movement.
As part of our Convening function we will be hosting a number of events, some large, some small; some with a specific theme, some just for connection.
Here is a start of the list of events for the 2014. More coming soon.
Details are available for the Chicago and Washington DC meet ups with details on other events when they are available.
Cana Calendar:
- March 16 Chicago Local Gathering – a simple gathering -A Local Gathering is a chance for connection with others and invitations to be part of the Cana Initiative.
- March 26 Washington DC Local Gathering – a simple gathering – A Local Gathering is a chance for connection with others and invitations to be part of the Cana Initiative.
- April 30 San Francisco Local Gathering – a simple gathering – A Local Gathering is a chance for connection with others and invitations to be part of the Cana Initiative.
- June 29-31 Asheville, North Carolina Post-Wild Goose Gathering – A gathering of Cana people from around the country to plan, plot and scheme together.
- July 21-24 College Age Initiative, Chicago – Those interested in seeing a national generous Christianity movement among College aged people.
- Fall 2014 – Theological Education Additive/Alternative Programs, New York
- Fall 2014 – Technology/Online Portals and Faith, Location to be determined