dont get out of bed!!!!!!!!

dont get out of bed!!!!!!!! June 23, 2013

John Keating: No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. Listen, you hear it? – – Carpe – – hear it? – – Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.

Powell: Ha! Did you think you were free? Where were you going at : today? into the gym, right? in the morning, your wake-up call. in the middle of the night when you wake up sweating, with your heart pounding. What is it that has you all tied up, Juha, tied up in little knots? Is it ambition? Yeah. You’re no mystery to me, boy. I used to be you. Okay. One last chance. You think I won’t do it? [ Chuckles ] What’s one psychiatrist less to the world? I’m already deep in the pit. So what can they do to me? Last try. Get it right. What have you lost? What did I take from you? Write it.


A violent buzz rings in your ear and a voice pierces in your ear. Your eyes open. The day has begun. A torrent of thoughts race through your brain. You already in it before you’re ‘in it’. The rat race, that’s what they call it. Once your feet hit the carpet, the revolutions of the hamster wheel begin their turning with you in it.

Ambition is that which drives us. It fates us. It tells us what we should do, how we do it, why we should do it. It gives us an identity. When we wake up for an other; something that tells us how and what we should we want; we don’t actually ever wake up. We simply become characters who ‘go through the motions’. Is this not akin to the character in the movie ‘Click’ with Adam Sandler, remember that movie? He is bestowed with a mystical remote control [by none other than the charismatic, yet odd: Christopher Walken] that gives him the power to control his universe. One feature that he abuses is the ability to fast-forward through his own life. He chooses this option so much that it begins doing it for him. After a while, he does not get to choose the events, it chooses for him.

Does this not feel familiar? That you begin going through life and the motions move for you. Its’ called ideology. When we stop thinking and are thought for. Another word in philosophy, that some use is: interpellation. This is when we are called into a narrative without ever really having a choice. Think of the ‘Uncle Sam’ poster. You know the one where Uncle Sam is pointing ‘at you’. And then some message that follows, like: Your Country Needs You in bold caption. Here we have a great example of being called into something that you don’t really have a choice.


The presupposition of this ‘calling’ is that if you don’t answer it, then you’re not a patriot. That you are anti-nationalistic and un-American.  Now, we know this is bullshit, yet we are interpellated [called into] this same daily event that most refer to as ‘life’. But knowing its bullshit is not enough, because then what occurs, is that we then go through life ‘knowing what we do, and still doing it’. So, what of ambition? What is it? What drives us to get up and do it all over again? Is it Puxatawny Phil beckoning us into the cycle. Without getting too academic, ambition has to do with our libidinal investments. What are those?

An attachment of strong, intense emotional energies to an issue, person, concept, etc., in such a way that one pays special attention to issues surrounding it and one reacts strongly to discussions and changes affecting it. Includes, but is not limited to, sexual and sublimated sexual attachments. It is ultimately the way we order what is important to it. What we fetishize, in the end, will fetishize us. What we make god, will in the end, become god. It is those things that we attempt to control [relationships, politics, academia, love, faith, belief and so on] that will in-turn control us. But, can ambition can healthy? Can it be good? I think there is a possibility, yes. But revolutionary ambition hides itself in the possibility that the ambitions we now may not be the ones we should have. Meaning, we should hold our ambitions loosely, not tightly. That to relinquish ourselves of the need to fetishize things or people [think celebrities] is a grounded way in which we can re-start our journey. Another example would be the following:

Right-wingers often have a strong libidinal investment in the idea of authority, so that they experience threats to authority almost as if they are threatened personally. This may be due to an Oedipal fixation in which their sense of personal identity fuses with that of the father, as threatening authority-figure, so as to enable the repression of castration-threat anxiety.


So, where does that leave us? Well, sometimes, the most revolutionary thing we can do is not get out of bed. I think the revolution against commonplace ambition begins inside. Asking uncomfortable questions: What is it that drives me? Why does it drive me? Should it drive me? How am I being called into other stories without knowing I am being called into them? What is the first move out for me? Then, well, you know what to do…



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