Evangelicals, you have some denouncing to do

Evangelicals, you have some denouncing to do January 18, 2021

Whether you supported the Capitol attack or not, Evangelicals, you are forever tied to the incident. Social media will not be kind to you or to the Jesus you recognize as Savior.

Footage has come out from last week’s invasion in which Jesus’ name is loudly invoked by a group of insurrectionists in the House chamber. Led by “QAnon Shaman,” the fur-and-horn-helmet-wearing gentleman whose image has become familiar to us all, the crowd joined in prayer to the “heavenly Father,” including the words, “thank you for filling this chamber with your white light of love…thank you for filling this chamber with patriots that love you and love Christ.” During the minute-long megaphone prayer, many in the crowd had hands raised or heads bowed. It ended, “in Christ’s holy name, Amen!”

So, Evangelicals, the ball is in your court as never before. Will you individually and unequivocally denounce this obscenity?

Many Christians worldwide believe that silence on the part of American Evangelicals is complicity, if not actual affiliation in the aggression against our democracy. This incident is not just dragging your name through the mud, but also that of all Christians, and more importantly, Jesus Christ.

So please, say it loud and say it soon. This is a critical moment for Evangelicalism.

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