Busch Gardens to give park visitors a behind the scenes peek at animal care

Busch Gardens to give park visitors a behind the scenes peek at animal care January 13, 2012

At Busch Garden's new Animal Care Facility, you can watch a white cheeked Gibbon get an ultrasound.

If you’ve ever wondered how the folks at the zoo take care of the animals, Busch Gardens is giving park visitors a behind the scenes look at large animal veterinary care when their new $5 million Animal Care Center opens January 23.

You’ll get to see routine animal care, surgery, x-rays, nutrition, dental care – anything that goes into take care of the health of the park’s 2,000 animals.  In a press release, the park announces that the treatment center will allow guests to watch as Busch Gardens’ skilled vets do preventative checkups, treatments and surgeries on animals.

You can even watch a Muntjac get his teeth cleaned!

Guests will be able to see into the rooms through glass walls, and audio capabilities will allow guests to talk to vets working behind the glass. Cameras placed over the exam table will show unique vantage points to guests who can watch on monitors. During treatments and surgeries, zoo educators will also be on hand to talk about what’s taking place. .

In the clinical lab, staff will perform tests on samples collected from the animals, such as blood, urine, and feces, using the same types of laboratory equipment used in human hospitals and veterinary clinics. A camera connected to the laboratory’s microscope will allow guests to see exactly what the staff who are looking under the microscope see.

Eew, you can check out elephant poop under the microscope! Now that’s a unique zoo experience!

You can learn more on the Busch Gardens Tampa website.

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