Bake a cake to celebrate the Dog Whisperer’s 150th episode and you could win a call from Cesar Millan

Bake a cake to celebrate the Dog Whisperer’s 150th episode and you could win a call from Cesar Millan January 31, 2012

OK, Cesar Millan fans, enemies and cake bakers extraordinaire: What I am about to say is either going to make you very happy or make you so mad you’ll throw darts at my picture just because I shared this news*:

Nat Geo Wild, the channel from National Geographic that is home to Cesar Millan’s the “Dog Whisperer,” is celebrating the show’s 150th episode with a cake contest. Between now and Friday, February 10th at midnight, bake a cake in honor of the “Dog Whisperer”‘s 150th show – the topic that night is “Home-Wrecking Hounds”, if you need an idea – and then post a photo of your cake to Instagram with the tags #natgeowild and #happy150.

Select photos will be featured on the Nat Geo WILD Facebook page throughout the week leading up to the premiere of Dog Whisperer’s 150th episode on Saturday, February 11th at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. Cesar’s favorite cake will be announced on Instagram during the premiere. The winning photo will be featured on the homepage of and the winner will receive a call from the Dog Whisperer himself.

What would would you do with a few minutes of Cesar Millan’s undivided attention on the phone? Chat about dog behavior or training methods? Discuss cake decorating? Sing a birthday song in Spanish? Well, get baking and decorating, and you may have the chance!

Nat Geo WILD and National Geographic Channel recently joined Instagram as @NatGeoChannels to share photos of upcoming shows and behind-the-scenes happenings.  Follow @NatGeoChannels on Instagram for more information. You can read the entire press release here.

* * * * * * *

* And now, since I have your attention, I need to get something off my chest:

I do not hate Cesar Millan, despite what many of  you have inferred from my review of his appearance here in Rochester. I think he’s a super entertaining, nice guy. I don’t necessarily dig all of his training methods, but you can’t fault the guy for his commitment to animals, to shelter dogs, to raising awareness about problems with owners and helping them understand where they’ve missed the mark. I found a lot that he says that I agree with; I also think if we had coffee we’d talk a lot about where we disagree.

So my advice to you is this: if you bake, if you have a barkery, if you like to design cakes but you are not a Cesar Millan fan, set aside those differences and have some fun. It’s great publicity for your business, if nothing else. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that it’s lot better to find ways to get along with people in the hopes of opening an honest dialogue than just b*tching and moaning nonstop across Facebook and the internet about what a jerk he is, or what a jerk I am, or what a jerk anyone is who doesn’t publicly condemn him and everything he’s ever done. There. I’ve said what I wanted to say. Now get baking! What are you waiting for?

(PS: If you’re planning to bake a cake for me to eat or for you to throw at my face, I like white cake with chocolate frosting …)

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