February 6, 2025

Often, I see people online asking what happens to their beloved pets when they die. They care about the fate of their pets thanks to the bond they have with them. This helps them know that something would be wrong for their pets to just vanish out of existence. They intuitively understand the problem inherent in annihilationism of any sort, even if it is a limited kind of annihilationism which relates to non-human forms of life.  Why would God create... Read more

February 5, 2025

Performative piety, such as the kind done by priests during liturgies making their liturgies way too long, adding prayer after prayer, or speaking too long during their homilies, end up hurting the people they should be helping with their priestly service. They might think they are giving good examples, but they are not; all they are doing is wearing thin the patience of their community, causing many to become distracted, if not bored. When it goes on too long, even... Read more

February 3, 2025

Not only is it troubling at how much the Trump administration has done in its short time back in power to destroy the integrity and legacy of the United States in the world, it is extremely disturbing that the media is not doing all it can to reveal this fact and help make sure the people of the United States know what is going on. How many people realize all the violations of the Constitution and basic human rights we... Read more

February 2, 2025

People can be quite cruel, finding all kinds of  excuses to ignore the human dignity of others. Ageism, sexism, and racism all represent evils which not only undermine human dignity, they do so on a rather irrational basis (accidental features such as the color of one’s skin or one’s gender).  Christians should know better. Scripture constantly gives examples of those who have been unjustly mistreated, sometimes by Jesus’ own disciples, who God defended, making it clear that God wants us... Read more

January 31, 2025

There was a stage in my spiritual and theological development when I was influenced by fundamentalism, and with it, tended towards a puritan-like extreme; it began in middle school, and, to some degree, continued with me until my Freshman year in college. How it affected me changed over time. For example, I was a major fan of role-playing games, and in the horror genre, and owned many games and novels which I would eventually sell because I came to believe... Read more

January 29, 2025

Society requires people to work together to promote the common good. It should be obvious that we must rely upon each other, that we can’t do everything all by ourselves. We all have skills and expertise which we can and should use to contribute to the common good, even as we must rely upon the skills others have, some of which we might never be able to attain if we tried. There will be people who have expertise in areas... Read more

January 27, 2025

It is sadly obvious to me that many of the social advances we have seen the past hundred years, advances related to the dignity of the human person, have proven to be quite fragile and easily overturned. This is because we have not entirely cleansed society from the evil ideologies which undermined human dignity, nor the practices which arose from those ideologies. While we might have thought they were put in check, but even if they had, they are coming... Read more

January 26, 2025

We are meant to cast aside all our idols, especially those built upon and promote ideologies which directly reject God’s ways. We are called to be holy, to experience the presence of God with and in us, but how can we do that if we constantly put up barriers between ourselves and God?  This is what we do whenever we sin; the greater the sin, the greater the barrier, with the greatest sins being those which directly reject and undermine... Read more

January 23, 2025

The world around us is good; it was created by God as good, and so should be treated as good. We should show it due respect, because by respecting it, we respect the one who created it. We, similarly, should acknowledge we were created good, for once again, if we do not do so, we would suggest our creator created something which was bad or evil, and in doing so, we would denigrate God. We must be respect ourselves in... Read more

January 21, 2025

Sodom and Gomorrah are frequently brought up in Christian conversations, but often for the wrong reasons. Too many think of them only in relation to sex, and not to the fundamental errors Scripture indicates lay behind the destruction of the cities. Politicians, and demagogues, like to mention them for the sake of culture wars, once again, dealing with sexual matters, while ignoring the real reason why the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah cried up to heaven. Yes, there was sexual... Read more

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