About The Author: Henry Karlson

“God transcends all things, and so is not a thing. We should embrace God, receiving from God a little of the transcendent truth, a little bit of nothing, and use it to transform us and our interactions with each other.”

Henry C. Antony Karlson III has done considerable amount of graduate work and study in philosophy, theology, inter-religious dialogue, and comparative theology. He has taught at both Georgetown University and the Catholic University of America.

Henry is a Byzantine Catholic who not only is interested in Orthodox and Catholic theologians and philosophers, but also learning from people of every faith tradition. Patristics, scholastics, renaissance philosophers and theologians,  and Sophiologists are among his many influences. Similarly, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and their notions on myth have helped shape the way he reads and understands world religions.

Henry believes that a faith seeking understanding will also be an engaged faith. That is, it will be concerned with the practical applications of the faith. This had led him to be interested in and discuss social justice and contemporary news events as they connect to his faith.

Before establishing his own blog, A Little Bit Of Nothing on Patheos, he used to be one of many writers on Vox Nova. He has also had articles published or republished on other sites including Where Peter Is, The Interfaith Observer, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, and Eclectic Orthodoxy

Henry Karlson’s book, The Eschatological Judgment of Christ: The Hope of Universal Salvation and the Fear of Perdition in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, is available from Wipf and Stock.