October 4, 2020

Christians, like everyone else, are called to follow the dictates of their conscience. General moral principles can and should be taught. Conscience helps people determine how those principles apply in particular situations and contexts.  Thus, St. Paul, encouraging Christians to financially help the church, uses general principles to do so while acknowledging the way Christians should use their conscience to decide how much they will give: The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he... Read more

October 1, 2020

In his first debate with Biden, Trump was asked if he were willing to condemn white supremacists. Trump, acting as if he were willing, asked for a name of a white supremacist group which he could condemn. Biden, it could be heard, answered by saying Proud Boys. In response, Trump said, “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.” That was the extent of Trump’s “condemnation.” That is, Trump was unwilling to condemn them. All he was wiling to do was... Read more

September 30, 2020

Early one morning, a man gets off the Brookland metro station at DC and walks slowly to the Shrine next to the Catholic University of America campus. As he walks, he hears a cry for help from the distance. The man crosses himself, prays for the person pleading for help, but continues on his way to the Shrine: he does not want to be late to Mass. A visiting priest, who will be offering the first Mass at the Shrine... Read more

September 29, 2020

St. Basil the Great tells us to glorify God as the “Master Craftsman,” for he created a wonderful, indeed, beautiful, world for us to live in. When we glorify him this way, we can be led from the beauty found in creation to the transcendent glory of God himself: Let us glorify the Master Craftsman for all that has been done wisely and skillfully; and from the beauty of visible things let us form an idea of Him who is... Read more

September 27, 2020

Often, reading the Gospels can surprise us. Jesus acts in ways which seem out of character, at least, different from how we expect him to act. Jesus came to save the whole world. Why, then, does it often seem like he believed his purpose was only with the people of Israel? Indeed, is that not what he tells a Canaanite woman who came to him, asking for his help? And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district... Read more

September 24, 2020

When someone criticizes the Knights of Columbus, an apologist will speak out and say the criticism is unjust and comes from someone who is anti-Catholic.  It’s a common tactic. Instead of dealing with criticism, so-called apologists like to go on the attack. Calling someone anti-Catholic puts the other person on the defense, while the issues which have been raised become ignored. We can see this is what has happened when critics raise concerns with Catholics associated with a  “Covenant Community.”... Read more

September 23, 2020

“Let us have no self-conceit, no provoking of one another, no envy of one another”  (Gal. 5:26 RSV). We are not to be vainglorious, seeking to set ourselves above others. For, as Paul understood, when we try to glorify ourselves, we create strife. We want people to treat us with special respect. Others will want that respect for themselves, leading them to be envious of those who have it. Such envy should not have a place in the Christian community.... Read more

September 21, 2020

Marsilio Ficino, with his typical wisdom, explained why many people do not believe in God. He said that they do not sense or experience the divine realm because they have become too attached to material creation: I need not say how people suffering from a bloody inflammation of the eye see everything as red, and those with a bitter taste on the tongue taste everything as bitter. In the same way the mind, which from a long-standing desire and indulgence... Read more

September 20, 2020

The legend surrounding St. Eustathius tell us how he went from being a Roman general (originally named Placidus) to becoming a Christian convert and eventual martyr for the faith. While he was on a hunt, he saw a great stag; between the antlers of the stag, he saw the cross, and through the cross, Jesus is said to have spoken to him, telling him to become Christian. While he was away his wife, Tatiana, also received a vision of Christ,... Read more

September 17, 2020

A prudent man sees danger and hides himself; but the simple go on, and suffer for it (Prov. 27:12 RSV). Imagine a lone sniper outside a Catholic parish. He is randomly shooting people as they entered the church. Authorities are looking for him, but they cannot not find him. Some people believe there is no sniper, because they do not see him, and so try to get into the church, only to be shot and killed by the sniper. Others... Read more

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